Hoy toca un bonito relato de Robert Håkansson, que desde Suecia nos habla de un mítico destino para todos aquellos amantes de la pesca con mosca: ¡Nueva Zelanda!
¿Estáis seguros que la temporada esta acabando? ¿Cambiamos de hemisferio?

Summer is slowly turning into autumn here in Sweden, a lot of our rivers will be closing for this years spawning. But before the brown trout season ends I decided to go fishing up the secret creek one last time. We arrived early in the morning; as usual I sat down at my favorite spot and enjoyed a morning coffee while keeping a watchful eye for any sign of rising trout.

It did not take long before we found fish; unfortunately the risers were nowhere to be seen so we had to turn to nymph fishing. Free drifting caddis pupa seemed to be on the menu today. I fish the caddis pupa in various sizes and colors but the one who caught the most fish was a light tan-colored caddis pupa.

Around mid-day the fish seemed to stop eating and it was slow fishing up until late that evening. A caddis hatch came off just as the sun started to hide behind the trees. In the darkness of night the trout had the advantage, trying to set a hook in pitch black conditions turned out to be a bit of a challenge. By the end of it I would just try to set every time I heard a rise but I was quite unsuccessful. It was with mixed feelings I left the creek that night, a part of me wanted the season to never end and another part was happy that it was over.

As one season ends, another one begins. On the far side of the planet, New Zealand offers some of the best trout fishing in the world, if not the best. Here you will be sight-fishing for big brown trout and Rainbows in crystal clear water and in the most amazing scenery. The other good thing with fly-fishing in New Zealand is that it will keep the fly-fishing season alive, even during our colder winter months here in Europe. Something I need to keep my sanity and well-being.


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